Friday, February 28, 2014

My Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) Job Hiring Experience

       A friend of mine encouraged me to apply for the latest hub in national mass hiring, the search for hundreds of NUP or Non-Uniformed Personnel nationwide. As per recent national law, all police officers are mandated to move out of the office and stay on their designated posts outside the station. This is to ensure that enough men in uniforms are seen in public spots to prevent the occurrence of crimes. Although I have always been eager to work for a government position, I hesitated at first because I am already in tune and very satisfied with my current online jobs. Nevertheless, I tried.
         The application was a bit of a challenge because most requirements are to be submitted in their original form like NSO birth certificate and NSO marriage certificate as well as the NBI clearance. Basically, the main requirements are the following:

1. Duly accomplished PDS CSC Form Revised 2005
2. Transcript of Records and Diploma; all authenticated along with the original copies of the receipts
3. Authenticated Certificate of Eligibility along with the original copy of the receipt of authentication
4. Certificate of Employment; everything should be authenticated
5. Certificate of Training; everything should be authenticated
6. NBI Clearance; original copy along with the original copy of the receipt and an authenticated copy of the clearance
7. NSO Birth Certificate; original copy along with the original copy of the receipt and an authenticated copy of the certificate
8. NSO Marriage Certificate; original copy along with the original copy of the receipt and an authenticated copy of the certificate

          All of these documents are to be placed in two separate, long, white envelopes in which one envelope is for the original copies while the other one is for authenticated photocopies of the documents. All of these should be fastened using white paper fastener and arranged according to the following:

1. Letter of Application - A
2. Duly accomplished PDS in CSC Form Revised 2005 - B
3. Transcript of Records and Diploma - C
4. Certificate of Eligibility - D
5. Certificate of Training - E
6. Certificate of Employment  - F 
7. NBI Clearance - G
8. NSO Birth Certificate - H
9. NSO Marriage Certificate - I

            The above sequence is to be encoded as a table of contents and placed at the very first page of the folder. It is very important that you file your documents accordingly and as implemented or you will be asked to tab and then arrange it again, which can be very time consuming and demanding, especially if you travel somewhere else just to submit the application.
            Speaking of travel, I just got back from Camp Romeo Abendan in Zamboanga. Me, my father, and a friend who also happens to be an applicant, endured 8 hours of land trip from Dipolog City to Zamboanga just to go to Camp Abendan in Mercedes and submit our application there. By the way, the available travel schedules from Dipolog City to Zamboanga via Rural Transit departs at 10:30 pm (air conditioned bus with wifi), 12 midnight, and 1 am. The arrival schedules are 6:30 am, 8am, and 9am respectively.
             During the submission of application, we were asked to line up, write our name in a paper, and fill in an evaluation sheet. Our names were then called for evaluation of documents. NUPs for respective regions then evaluated our application documents, scrutinizing each page, making sure that all required and applicable documents both in its original and authenticated forms were available. After which, we were then briefed and told that our written and actual exams are scheduled on March 17. We were asked of our preferred assignments, and I readily gave them three municipalities. Thankfully, all 3 were open, so I was able to choose one that's nearest to my residence.
             It took me and Marc an hour to finish the entire hiring process on that day. It was a full day ahead, but we had so little time to take a good stroll in Zamboanga. We went back home to Dipolog at 2 pm and arrived home at 10 pm.
            Praise to God for a breezy and safe ride as well as a successful event in Zamboanga.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to Process NBI Application in Dipolog City

        I have never experienced having trouble with my NBI application before. The application and the clearance only took about 30 minutes when I had my NBI clearance processed sometime in 2010. Sadly, it's different this time around. You see, they already have this online application system, but wait, all the processes aren't done online as contrary to what most people speculated. You have to go to, click clearance online registration, and then fill up the online application form. You will then have to print out the duly filled form and take it to the NBI office. Upon arrival at the NBI, you proceed to the collections window and pay the corresponding amount of your application there. On the one hand, the fee is 115 php for local employment and travel abroad clearances. 165 php for an NBI clearance needed for business, firearms, adoption, POEA, and other agency related purposes and 415  php for neutralization and cancellation ACR, and repatriation. If your records has no hit, you'll immediately get the clearance, but you might need to come back in a few days if you have hit.
            Needless to say, the process sounds easy and breezy. Unfortunately, in times when national hiring is done like these days when hiring for NUP's and Dep-Ed personnel are the trend, you will have to go to the said agency at least an hour prior to its time of operation to make sure that you'll get the clearance on the same day.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The First Happenings on Navarro-Cornejo Case

         The mauling incident that commenced between Vhong Navarro and Cedric Lee, along with the latter's Popeye fan friends, last January 22 inside Cornejo's condo unit at Forbeswood Heights had led to heightened tension on both netizens and followers of both camps. The said incident led to Navarro's numerous bruises, wounds, and even broken bones. The cause? A 22-year old girl in the name of Deniece Millet Cornejo whom Cedric said was shouting for help when he and his sister were on the same floor where the shouting happened. As per Lee's camp, Vhong, with his pants down, was caught on top of the girl, who screamed for help as Vhong tried to rape her. Consequently, the mauling scenario happened. Several activities then followed which included Navarro's penning on the blotter in Taguig police station as well as the agreement between him and Cedric on paying 2 million pesos for the damages he incurred inside the condo unit. The day after, Navarro's photos were plastered on the net, enraging followers as it exploded online like a bomb. 

       I am sorry for the long intro. For those who have missed a single update on the case, here are the next events:

Navarro had an interview with Boy Abunda, spitting everything that happened during the mauling incident as well as the very first time when he and Cornejo met. At this day, Lee and Cornejo declined any interview opportunity with ABS CBN, but had their interview with GMA. News then came out about the rape incident, which was supposedly the main reason that Cedric and his friends had to stop Navarro by beating him up and tying him on a chair with a cloth placed in his mouth. On the one hand, the the policemen who dealt with Navarro and Lee with the blotter were relieved due to lack of proper procedures when dealing in cases like this.

Succeeding interviews came which included the story that Cornejo and Navarro had an oral sex during their first meeting, several days prior to the mauling incident. Navarro's camp then sought the aid of de Lima to look into his case and the NBI to provide security to his family's house as well as hasten the investigation of the case. At this point, the 3 of Lee's friends were sought for the issuance of subpoena. Both camps have also formally filed a case against each other; Cornejo filed rape against Navarro while Navarro filed six cases including grave threats, grave coercion, serious physical injuries, blackmail, unlawful arrest, and serious illegal detention.

The CCTV footage in the lobby as well as the elevator in the condo was released online, which heated the case. The footage showed Vhong's arrival in the unit at about 10:30 pm. A minute later, Cedric and a guy came in the lobby. Deniece then went in the elevator two minutes after Vhong entered the unit. Three men were seen entering the lobby while Grace, Cedric's sister also entered the said place. Several minutes later, Cedric and his friends as well as Vhong whose hands are tied at his back were seen in the elevator altogether.

In a span of one week, Cornejo made an appearance in several GMA shows such as Star Talk where she peculiarly asked Vhong to come out and tell the truth. The Navarro submitted his mobile phone to the NBI as the said agency was trying to retrieve all messages sent by both parties to Navarro before and after the incident. Lawyers of both camps have started to talk on behalf of their clients as well. 

As of reading, Manalo quits as Vhong's laywer and Raymond Fortun to represent Cedric Lee.

I have spent some days reading on these happenings as it is undeniably popular and I couldn't help but read an update whenever I browse on Rappler, ABS CBN, GMA, etc. I couldn't also help but read the tons of comments left for each article. While some comments are neutral, some obviously show support to Navarro as they show disgust to Cornejoy as others blame Navarro for his behavior and tap on Cornejo and Lee's camps. These lead to my questions to ponder for the case.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Plantation Bay Day Tour Experience

          I am sorry for this post is kind of late because the travel happened last June 2013. Nevertheless, I felt the desire to share my experience with you, guys. Actually, the initial plan was to go to Cebu on board Cebu Pacific airline since my parents haven't experienced traveling on a plane yet. Apart from that, I was on the lookout for the much talked about low fare happenings on this airline. Anyways, I was able to book ourselves on June 5, 2013, Wednesday. Here's our itinerary and the details of our expenditure.

June 5, Wednesday
12:30 noon - departure from Dipolog City Airport to Mactan International Airport in Cebu
1:15 pm - arrival at Mactan International Airport

Here is a photo of my boys who never seemed to run out of energy while waiting for our flight.

3 pm - arrival at Your Second Home, an apartment in Cebu that's conveniently located near Robinson's, Chung Hua, NBI, as well as National Bookstore. Upon arrival, we were greeted with the guard and the lady whom I made the reservation with. I am so sorry, I already forgot her name. But here's the details of Your Second Home in case you're still looking for a good, yet inexpensive place to stay for you and your family in Cebu. 

Address: 163 Mariano Cui, St., Capitol Site
contact number : (63 32) 256 0273
nightly rate: 995 php

In our case, we paid 1125 php per day because I requested for one big bed. One of the advantages of staying here is the availability of TV, refrigerator, air condition, private toilet and bath with hot and cold options, cabinet, couch, couple of drawers and hangers, two towels, and a mini kitchen. The room is quite spacious and it can definitely accommodate a family of four. The staff were also accommodating and friendly. While these facilities are great, we encountered few problems during our stay. One, the sink on the kitchen faucet kept clogging, so we had to contact a maintenance man to fix it. Two, there's very limited space for hanging wet laundry, so if you stay here for a couple of days or a week, you need to go to a laundry site, which I happened to find nearby Your Second Home. Nevertheless, if you want to transfer to a hotel, Hotel Asia is conveniently located a block from Your Second Home. Indeed, it's a good and affordable accommodation for a day or two of excursion with kids, but not for a long term stay.

Here's a photo of my eldest and my dad inside the room. There's also a mini island that you can use to dine on. 
5 pm - Me, my husband, and father walked to Robinson's to buy foods for our dinner. We had our fill since we had a long day ahead of us.

June 6, Thursday (SM and High Precision Diagnostics)
5 am - We woke up a bit early because my parents had to go to High Precision Diagnostics for a general medical check-up. They then went back around 7 am for our first stop.
8 am - SM Cebu
The kids had lots of fun in this place. We let them rode almost everything they can ride at the children's playground. They were so keen on playing arcade games. Unfortunately, their system wasn't very cooperative as we couldn't buy a loadable card for gaming worth 200. So, we had to move and stroll the vastness of SM. We spend our lunch inside SM and we ended the afternoon with a quick stop at National Bookstore. Everyone in the family knows I am dying to go to National Bookstore.

Here is my husband and our youngest.

June 7, Friday (Simala, Carcar)
5 am - We had to wake up early because a friend taxi driver of mine would pick us up from Your Second Home to take us to the infamous Simala. Simala is derived from the term 'himala' or miracle in English. Simala is renowned for its magnificent church, which started as a humble edifice decades ago when Mother Mary's statue began showing miraculous activities in the site. It is also in this site where a lot of people, especially those who pray for the success of their exams, health operations, and the likes, flock. Letters, wheelchairs, crunches, and even photos are stamped and neatly placed in cabinets with mirror covers for visitors to see. They're letters that either contain words of help or gratitude. 

My family with the Simala Church behind.

11 am - We left Simala and headed to Carcar. We had our lunch there and we then headed back home around 2pm.

June 8, Saturday (Plantation Bay)
7 am - We left as early as possible to fully enjoy the entire day tour schedule. The weather was cloudy accompanied by drizzle, but that didn't stop us from going to Plantation Bay, which was an hour and few minute ride from Your Second Home.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by the staffs at the lobby and we were also given a map and a rubberized bracelet to show that we're day tourists. The day tour rate was 2,000 php for adults and 1,000 for my 6 year old son, and free for my 2 year old son. My parents could have enjoyed the 20% discount for senior citizens. Unfortunately, they didn't bring their senior citizen IDs. Meanwhile, the day tour rate is already inclusive of lunch and the use of all the amenities and facilities of the resort from 9 am - 6 pm.

Here is an in-house cabby that takes tourists to and fro any point in Plantation Bay.

Here is a photo of the first lagoon that we stayed at for a few minutes as we huddled over to decide what to do first. 

Above is the complimentary lunch; lechon kawali and below is lemon fried chicken.

The following are selected photos of our activities in Plantation Bay. We hopped from one swimming pool to another; went to the beach; did kayak; Arnel wall climbed; Arnel and our eldest riding on a duo bicycle; and a lot more. Oh, Papa even jumped in a 12 ft swimming pool.

Here is a photo of my kids and their father inside the air conditioned children's learning center.

One of the bay's islets'.

Here is a photo of my parents kayaking for the first time.

6 pm - We started getting ready homeward. We were able to get a ride on the resort's tourist bus to the airport. We then rode from the airport to Your Second Home, which only took about half an hour. Because of the activities, my youngest son got really tired and fell asleep from 5 pm until 6 am the next day.

June 9, Sunday (home bound)
2 pm - We left Cebu to Dipolog City on board Cebu Pacific airline again. It was a smooth journey to and from Cebu. Praise God!

Here are the costs of our travel:

8,200 -  ( 4,100 php for 5 adults, 1 child, and 1 infant x 2 trips ) * note that we were able to avail of the 
                1 peso base fare. 
    600 -  fare from Mactan International Airport to Your Second Home
1,000 -  groceries for food for dinner and breakfast on the first day. The amount includes snacks, bottled                     water, ketchup, vinegar and soy sauce packs, and some spices for cooking
    800 - general check up for two at High Precision Diagnostics
    200 - fare to SM
    500 - lunch at SM
    200 - fare to Your Second Home
    800 - fish, noodles, drinks, and snacks budget for the next day
9,000 - entrance to Plantation Bay     
    200 - fare to Plantation Bay
    150 - fare to YSH
    800 - bread, cakes, barbecues for dinner and snacks the next day
1, 000 - fare to and from Simala 
    400 - lunch at Carcar 
 1,000 - pasalubong (chicharon, Red Ribbon, etc)
 4,500 - accommodation (4 nights and 5 days)

28, 750 - This is the total expenses for a group of 4 adults, 1 6 yr old child, and a 1 yr old toddler in a travel to Cebu via Cebu Pacific's 1 peso base fare. In this amount, we're able to go to Simala, Plantation Bay, Carcar, and buy pasalubong. I didn't include the books I bought at National Bookstore, small bottles of oil at Simala, as well as Papa's and Marc's shoes. If I include those items, I think the amount would total up to 30k plus. All of the amounts above are rounded off. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

 Blood Donation at Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital in Dapitan City

       I had a very busy weekend. My cousin asked me to find credible blood donors for her upcoming uterine operation on Monday. It was a Saturday, and temporarily halted all my writing assignments, so I can start looking for b+ blood donors. I was thankful when my ex-colleague in Kia told me that she has two boys of the same blood type who might be able to donate. Unfortunately, they weren't available until Sunday. Anxious that I might run out of time, I contacted other people, mostly my neighbors, and I got one. Unfortunately, he did not pass since he had high blood pressure. Luckily, one of my cousins is a b+ and another neighbor of mine also has the same blood type. Although my cousin needed to undergo blood pressure testing thrice, it was successful on his third attempt, which completed the needed 2 bags of blood.

Here are the main requirements when donating blood:
1. Donors should have normal blood pressure and weight. A blood pressure of 120/90 is a good one while the weight should never be lower than 55 kilograms. 
2. Donors should have never experienced tattooing any part of their body as well as body piercings.
3. Donors should have not been drinking, have not experienced getting drunk for the past few days, and should not have been taking any form of medication for maintenance.
4. Donors should have not eaten for the past three hours prior to blood collection.
5. Donors should have not experienced contagious diseases like hepatitis, measles, and chicken pox.
6. Donors should have not undergone major surgeries.
7. Donors should have not undergone tooth extraction for the past few months. 
8. Donors should have a valid ID card and ID photos as this is dubbed as PROTOCOL at the said hospital.