Friday, January 31, 2014

Verdict - Belo Nutraceuticals Glutathione + Collagen

         At this point, all of us, specially beauty junkies, may already have an inkling on what a glutathione capsule is all about. Definitely, it's all about cleansing your liver with a distinct side effect, and that is whitening the skin, something that most Filipinas would certainly dare do. Anyway, I hope you have already read my first post on this product and how I became a fan of glutathione. Nevertheless, without further ado, here's my complete review of the product.
       Belo Nutraceuticals Glutathione + Collagen offers two benefits, that is whitening and anti-aging. With this, it's like you're hitting two birds with one stone It comes in three packaging sizes - a bottle of 60 capsules for only 2,700 php; a bottle of 30 capsules for 1440 php; and a box of 10 capsules at 480 php. You can buy this product at Watson's and Mercury Drugs. However, it's only available in Watson's here in Dipolog City.
       Each capsule is packed with 
       Glutathione 250 mg
       Alpha Lopic Acid 50 mg
       L-Hydroxyproline 50 mg
       Sodium Ascorbate 25 mg
       Coenzyme Q10 3 mg
       Marine Collagen
       Magnesium Stearate
       In one of the articles where Belo was interviewed about this latest feat of her's, she claimed that visible results can start to show in as early as two weeks as the product is impeccable in regulating melanin production, smoothing skin tone, cleansing skin cells from free radicals, as well as adding more collagen to the skin to maintain its suppleness and youthful glow. I have already finished 60 capsules, yet I don't see any of these results. I didn't have breakouts as well as extreme changes in my skin in a bad way. I don't know the main reason behind it, but probably my skin isn't just so keen on participating in this particular Belo feat.

Verdict - I won't say buy it; and I won't also say don't. You might want to try it first for a month, and if you don't notice any good results, stop it. 

1 minute reading - Find the Good in Every Bad Situation

        Me and my eldest son are supposed to go to Dumaguete City today to get my diploma. We arrived at the port around 9:30 am, getting ready to board Aleson, which was supposedly scheduled at 10:30 am. We got our terminal fees only to be informed later that there are no sea trips today from Dapitan to any port of destination because of Signal #1 Basyang. We both felt frustrated upon hearing the cancelled trip. We heard complains and commends from other passengers who are stranded in the terminal. While we were still contemplating on the events, I realized three things. One, it is better not to be able to travel than to face the dangers in the sea, which may mean death. Two, my problem is way lighter compared to these passengers who need to go to Dumaguete or Cebu to alleviate health condition and to attend very important meetings while mine is only to get my diploma, which I don't really, really, extremely need next week and to stroll in my college alma mater as well.. Three, Dipolog is only an about 45 minutes away from Dapitan while those other passengers travel all the way from Iligan, Calamba, Pagadian, and other farther towns. They basically endured 3 and more hours of butt aches and drowsiness just to get to Dapitan port on time for Aleson's shipping schedule. 
        Today, I realize that I am still fortunate. Fortunate enough that my trip isn't really a matter of life and death. Fortunate enough to know that I wouldn't put my life and my son's life in danger since the coast guards stopped the shipping. I know some other travelers, especially those who are in dire need to go to their destination today, may not be able to see the good in this situation, but I hope they will realize that it's always better to be safe than sorry. This is my first ever experience, which is kind of overwhelming, yet worthwhile. 
          Today, I realize that if we always complain in life, we may not be able to see the good in every bad situation. I realize that this can also be applied to our relationship with the Supreme Being. If we continue to yell, scream, cry, murmur, complain, and practically question about all the bad things that are happening to us, we might not be able to see the road He's making for us. We might not be able to see the silent ways He's done to help us.
            Today, let us all pray in silence for His never ending care for all of us;  for the coast guards who have been doing their duty night and day just to make sure aquatic related transactions are carried out safely as well as the safety of the sea travelers; for those passengers, us, who have experienced this frustrating situation in one way or another that we may be able to find peace and understanding despite our frustrations; and for our loved ones who never cease to understand and assist us.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to Avoid Getting Sick During Rainy Days

          Philippines has a tropical climate, that is, we experience two seasons, hot and rainy days. Hot days are always welcome because it's always the best time to hit the beach, travel to different places, and sleep more. After all, hot days make us naturally lazy, right? Anyways, we always have a good reason to go out of the house during summer. Unfortunately, it's quite the opposite during rainy days when your most beloved Jimmy Choose would just collect mud or your floral pants would be tainted with dirt spots at the back of the legs. But these aren't actually the very reason why it's not good to stay outdoors most of the time during rainy days. Getting sick is one of the main reasons that humans, especially kids, aren't advised to stay outdoors. However, we cannot get rid of rainy days altogether in our country as it's part of our climate, so we'll just have to deal with it. But, we can certainly get up and do these tips to avoid getting sick on rainy days.

1. Take Vitamin C supplements and vitamins daily prior to rainy days - As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. This should also be applied to your kids when they're most vulnerable to the viruses and bacteria in the air brought about by gust of wind during the rainy season.

  2. Keep covered especially when it's cold - Yes, this is common sense. Unfortunately, some parents still prefer their kids wearing sexy tutu skirts or sleeveless tops when going to school during windy days. Viruses and germs tend to multiply when the environment is humid and cool, and when your kids aren't covered enough, they'll easily catch these pesky microorganisms and get sick eventually.

3. Exercise - When I say exercise, I meant daily exercise. Don't exercise now just because it's rainy day, but exercise daily. Research shows that exercising replenishes dead skin cells, improves oxygen flow in the blood and cells, and boosts immune system. 

4. Get lots of hugs - Studies reveal that people with most circle of friends, who often has a good portion of his time chatting and hugging them tend to be less vulnerable to sickness. Hugging people tends to boost one's immune system. Start hugging your loved ones and don't wait for the rainy season to hug them.

5. Load on enough food supplies - As advised, avoid going outdoors during rainy days, so stock up on food a week prior to heavy rains. This way, you won't have to run to stores just to find food to eat. 

6. Warm/Hot Soup, Tea - Runny nose? Sneezing for sometime? Feeling down with something? Having a bowl or two of warm/hot soup and a couple of cups of tea are the best remedies to avoid these symptoms develop into cough and colds. Arm yourself with these natural remedies before it's too late.

7. Wash hands properly - Our hands are the busiest part of the body, and these are the ones that get contact with everything that we hold at from remote control to door knobs, from computer keyboard to mobile phones, and from toilet flushes to sinks. It has tons of bacteria that you can ever imagine, which are transferred to our bodies when we touch our faces or cover our mouth. Kids should also develop a habit of washing hands well before eating.

8. Mind over matter - The mind or the will to get healed and think only of positive things have the power to keep us healthy. If you feel tired and feverish, don't let these feelings drain you. Get up, sweat it out, and do something to keep you busy. Be productive. Soon, you'll forget you even felt feverish awhile ago.  

9. Flush germs and bacteria with water - Drinking lots of water isn't only a good tip during summer; it is also advisable to drink lots of water on rainy days. A lot of people swear by lemon water. Prepare 2 lemons and slice them into three, creating 6 regular-sized lemon slices. Place them into a regular-sized pitcher that's almost filled with warm water. Drink at least two glasses from the mixture everyday, at least an hour prior to eating your breakfast. Lemon has tons of benefits compared to lemon juice.

10. Don't blow your nose on tissues - The fiber in the tissues can get stuck in your nostrils, causing your more inconvenience and more sneezing moments. Instead, get a clean cloth that's not fibrous and use it to blow your nose. 

11. Non-Drowse paracetamol - If you're down with fever and you have deadlines to meet and projects to accomplish, keep your healthy by taking non-drowse paracetamol. It'll relieve you from headaches and feverish feelings without making your drowsy. 

         Rainy days are here. It's been a month that our skies have been gloomy and the weather's been rainy. Tropical depression has swarmed the country, specifically in Mindanao and Visayas areas for almost one month now. Don't let this month get you sick and stop from doing what you need to do. Do these tips today and avoid getting sick this month and the months to come.

How to Get Rich in 2014


 Who doesn't want to get rich in 2014? I don't know about you, but I want to be richer this year. I like the sound of getting richer by the year as getting richer by the day is so cliche. Before you continue, let me say beforehand that I'm not giving away any get rich quick schemes. What I'm about to give are tried and tested tips on how to become richer slowly, but surely, like me. I don't have cars, mansions, and a lot of experiences traveling abroad, but I must say that I am well-off with my kids. Not to brag or anything, I can be jobless for months and won't go hungry even if I have to feed 2 more mouths. Here's how I do it:

1. Never settle for one job unless you're earning as much as your boss.
     I used to work in a private company for 5 years until I finally decided to resign last 2012 after my youngest son was born. I was earning meager salary, only 8,000 php. My net income per month goes down to a thousand after I subtract my expenses from the said amount. My expenses include lunch, fare, groceries, and lunch date with my eldest on Sundays. In a month, I could only save about 1,000. If I have to put every thousand bucks in my savings account per month, I would only have 12,000 per year savings, and I am NEVER going to be satisfied with such amount while my boss is earning hundreds of thousands and probably millions per month. On the one hand, I worked as a part time writer two years prior to my resignation, and that was when my monthly savings went up to as much as 4,000/ month. If I had settled with one job only, I would have only very low savings per year. Without further ado, I decided to become a writer full time. If you now have a job and finds yourself vacant and bored after your job, make your boring hours productive by having another one. There are tons of freelance jobs online. If you need one, I can help you with that. Just leave a comment below.

2. Keep in mind the get rich formula ( Monthly Income - Savings - Fixed Expenses = Leisure Cost )
      In this time of economic instability, it is never advisable to put savings at the end part of the equation. Place your leisure cost, like clubbing, traveling, dining out, etc, at the end part. After all, you can LIVE without all these extra baggage. I strongly believe that how much you have saved during your younger years is tantamount to your security and satisfaction in later years. Don't regret in your 50's for not saving today. Save NOW.

3.  Shop wisely.
      Yes, I also shop and even splurge on clothes and food. However, I only do these during special occasions like December holidays when heavily discounted apparel and household items are flooding. I also do 'ukay' or shop on salvage items. I make sure to put them in basins with boiling water first then laundry them well, and iron them before I finally wear them. 

4. Invest.
     Every millionaire always invests, and every investor are always a risk taker. Savings at the bank is a good step, but investing on bigger ones can help you reap bigger profits, too. Try your hands on stocks. Set up your own business online or offline. There are a lot of ways to invest, but always be sure to jump into an option with lesser risk, especially if you're not yet very acquainted about the business. On the one hand, if you are a family person, always remember that your children are your greatest investment. Never provide them with half baked love and care. As for me, I have two jobs, a layer business, and an online business. 

  5. Get up and work.
      Every millionaire who work their way up is hardworking. They never procrastinate and their minds are always working on how to earn more even while they're asleep. I should know as my first boss was one of the most respectable millionaires in my hometown, and I am proud of the things they taught me. 

        At this point, you may be asking yourself, 'what the heck does this blogger have anyways'? At the age of 23, I was able to buy an air conditioner, installed cabinets at home, and bought a PC without withdrawing from my bank account. At the age of 25, I have bought 2 tablets and 2 mobile phones as well as traveled to Cebu and Bohol with family. At the age of 30, we'll see.... 

       So, do you want to be richer this year? Get up and work! If you need assistance for online jobs, just leave it in the comment section. See you at the top this 2014!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

How to Achieve your New Year's Resolutions

   I always have a list of my own New Year's resolutions every year for about 10 years. For me, it's a good way to start the year and it's kind of like an inspiration list as well. After all, it's a set of goals that you plan to achieve per year. However, not a lot of us can say that we have truly obtained our New Year's resolutions, and some would even say that they've only achieved 50% of the list. If you're one of them, don't worry, I used to have such problem, too, until I have discovered ways on how to make a good and doable list of New Year's resolution.

1. Make clearer goals - There is nothing more tried and tested way to achieve goals than to set clear and specific ones. For example, I used to put 'have more money' in my list for the first few years. After I have realized that it was a wrong goal, I changed that into 'add at least USD 2000 or 100,000 php to my bank account this year'. Clearly the second goal is more narrowed and clearer than the first one. Of course, how much you can add to your bank account would depend on your salary and determination to make more money. Nevertheless, raising your expectation is a good tip. Say, you have an annual net salary of 80,000, try making a goal of 100,000, which is 20,000 more than your net income. This way, you will be pushed to make more money for the year.

2. Make doable goals - Listing doable and possible goals is another tip. Never include 'buying a mansion' in your list when your salary can only take you to your humble home or apartment. You might want to change that into 'search for rent to own houses'. There are a number of rent to own houses that require possible owners to be a member of certain housing loan organizations like Pag-Ibig. Learning more about it gives you an idea on the monetary and legal aspects of having your own house in the future. Yes, you may be required to pay monthly mortgage, but it's only for a certain period. Once the period has finished, the house and lot are then transferred to your name.

3. Narrow down your goals - If you want to travel this year to other places, you might want to include 'travel to (particular place), instead of 'travel abroad'. The first one shows a very narrowed goal, which makes achievement a bit easier than not enlisting a more specific place to go to. It's also easier to search for information on a particular place to go when you only have one or two places in mind.

4. Avoid procrastination - However you make your New Year's resolution, but if you continue procrastinating, you're bound to end the year accomplishing only half of the goals set for the year. Never let a day finish without ending it with a bang. Divide your time wisely and remember that time is gold. After December 31st, you'll have no more time to do all the rest of the things that's in your list, so start doing them NOW!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Most Important New Year's Resolutions

         Hello 2014! I hope you guys welcomed 2014 with a bang! It's a new year once again, and I bet you've started contemplating on the best resolutions for this year. I bet you already have a 5, 10, or even 50 things in your bucket list. But have you ever thought that while you're writing down all the things and activities that you want to achieve in 2014, there are actually millions of people out there who don't even have hands to write? Some don't even have pens and paper to write on? Here's a list of what should our resolution cover.

1. Don't waste food - Instead of saying 'go on a diet' or 'get slimmer', this is a good alternative. Eat only what you can, and never binge just to throw up later. Before you do it, think of all the people who never even have food to eat in the first place. Never do crash dieting as well just so you lose weight. Eat healthily instead and think of the food that you're being blessed with.

2. Travel locally - A lot of people wish to go to Hongkong, Singapore, Thailand, US, Paris, and other gorgeous foreign places. They often forget that our beloved Philippines also have tons of gorgeous places to go to. Traverse on your own native land first before spilling money on foreign territories. Some of the best places to visit in our country includes Cebu, Manila, Bohol, Davao, Baguio, Tagaytay, Dumaguete, Bacolod, and many more! Spend to at least 5 different locations of our very own places this year and you'll be amazed of what this country has to offer. 

3. Visit long distance relatives or the lonely or the forgotten - Most of us longs to go to Disneyland, Petronal Towers, Boracay, and other places that scream of distance, fame, and relaxation, forgetting that we have our loved ones worth visiting, too. How many times have you visited your grandparents who live in a different town? How many times have you went home to your parents' house instead of spending your family's Christmases to other Asian countries? How many times have you actually visited an orphanage? a jail? a home for the aged? It's high time we set aside pride and self-gratification this year, and spend couple of hours to these people. 

4. Invest right - Surely, we can increase our money if we save them in the bank, but the increment is quite low. Investing on the right business opportunities and items is a surefire way to double your money this year. You can opt for stocks, bonds, or even put up your own business. These let money work for you instead of you always working for money. Tip: always have good research before investing. Remember that there are risks when investing, too. Invest on an option with the lowest risk margin.

5. Spend more time with your family - Welcoming the new year, aiming for a promotion, and expanding friendships don't mean that you always have to stay out everyday. Yes, socialization is a key to a good life, but family bonding is the key to a satisfying life. Cuddle your kids often even if they're already heavy. Kiss and hug your spouse more even if she smells like garlic. That's okay because that means she's cooking it for you and your family. Encourage and hug your husband more even if his hands are all dirty from the work at the mechanic. Don't worry, he's preparing for your children's tuition fee. 

6. Clean your house more - Exercise more. This is the kind of resolution that most people would include in their list, knowing that it's a healthy thing to do. Unfortunately, we seem to forget our abode. Some would pay helpers to help clean the house or would clean it at least once a month. Cleaning the house daily actually means sweat it out. Scrubbing and mopping the floors, wiping the windows, doing the laundry, and even making the bed or changing the sheets all equal to exercise. They're productive exercise, too. Blast your stereo and start cleaning your house with your fave music, and you'll actually feel like doing Tae Bo already. 

        Tell me; aren't these the best resolutions in life? May we all have a prosperous 2014. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What Not to Say During Reunions

        When December holidays come ticking in, Christmas and New Year, reunions is one of the many parties that you might need to include in your December calender. High School reunions and clan reunions are two of some of the most common types of reunions in the Philippines. While it should be the best time to socialize, hang out, and fill in those missed years of absence with laughter, you may end up sulking during the party and go home doleful; thanks to somebody's tactlessness. Hence, to make sure that you don't hurt somebody's feelings, check out this list of statements and questions that should NOT be uttered during reunions.

1. Are you sure you only have one kid? You look like you're a mother of a dozen kids. - The body is a weighty issue, especially to women. One way of saying you look fat without hurting somebody's feelings is to say you look awesome and quite voluptuous these days.

2. You look like a battered spouse. - If there is one thing that you should never try to crack on a once a year gathering, it would have to be your opinion on how your relative or colleague or classmate horribly looks. The statement above is another way of saying you look aged, horrible, and ugly. After all, no battered spouse looks gorgeous and fresh, right? A lot of things have had happened since you departed in the year blah after your high school graduation or few years back during your last clan gathering, and one of those things might be divorce, death, and trouble with kids. Blurting such statement will make her feel terrible. You can say you look tired or say nothing at all about the person's appearance instead. A simple 'It's great to see you' greeting is a must.

3. I heard your kids are in jail. - Unless you are the person's very close relative or a close friend, uttering this statement needs to be made with subtlety. A lot of people don't like to talk on issues with their children during gatherings.

4. You're still you. - It depends on what you are referring to this statement. If it's a compliment, there's no problem with it. However, if it's a personality or an ugly feature that even the concerned person hates about, it would be better if you zip your mouth.

5. Is it true that you filed for bankruptcy? - Of all the things that you can do on reunions, never clarify any issue where the hub is somebody's financial distress. You can start a conversation with 'How's your business?', and wait for the other person to open up.

6. So, who did you end up with? - It can be a sensitive topic when asked to a girl whose labeled for her mischievousness and naughtiness in high school. Be careful, especially when she's with her husband. On the one hand, boys don't seem to mind this topic. 

           There are still a lot of questions and remarks that need not be uttered during annual gatherings, and each remark might be received in various ways, depending on a person's level of sensitivity. While others can shrug these topics off their shoulders, some people might not, and might actually make them feel bad in a celebration where everyone's supposed to be glee. So before you ask a sensitive question, think about it first. What if you were in that person's shoes and asked of the same question. How would you feel? 

           May our Christmases and New Years be as prosperous, peaceful, and joyful!