Friday, January 31, 2014

1 minute reading - Find the Good in Every Bad Situation

        Me and my eldest son are supposed to go to Dumaguete City today to get my diploma. We arrived at the port around 9:30 am, getting ready to board Aleson, which was supposedly scheduled at 10:30 am. We got our terminal fees only to be informed later that there are no sea trips today from Dapitan to any port of destination because of Signal #1 Basyang. We both felt frustrated upon hearing the cancelled trip. We heard complains and commends from other passengers who are stranded in the terminal. While we were still contemplating on the events, I realized three things. One, it is better not to be able to travel than to face the dangers in the sea, which may mean death. Two, my problem is way lighter compared to these passengers who need to go to Dumaguete or Cebu to alleviate health condition and to attend very important meetings while mine is only to get my diploma, which I don't really, really, extremely need next week and to stroll in my college alma mater as well.. Three, Dipolog is only an about 45 minutes away from Dapitan while those other passengers travel all the way from Iligan, Calamba, Pagadian, and other farther towns. They basically endured 3 and more hours of butt aches and drowsiness just to get to Dapitan port on time for Aleson's shipping schedule. 
        Today, I realize that I am still fortunate. Fortunate enough that my trip isn't really a matter of life and death. Fortunate enough to know that I wouldn't put my life and my son's life in danger since the coast guards stopped the shipping. I know some other travelers, especially those who are in dire need to go to their destination today, may not be able to see the good in this situation, but I hope they will realize that it's always better to be safe than sorry. This is my first ever experience, which is kind of overwhelming, yet worthwhile. 
          Today, I realize that if we always complain in life, we may not be able to see the good in every bad situation. I realize that this can also be applied to our relationship with the Supreme Being. If we continue to yell, scream, cry, murmur, complain, and practically question about all the bad things that are happening to us, we might not be able to see the road He's making for us. We might not be able to see the silent ways He's done to help us.
            Today, let us all pray in silence for His never ending care for all of us;  for the coast guards who have been doing their duty night and day just to make sure aquatic related transactions are carried out safely as well as the safety of the sea travelers; for those passengers, us, who have experienced this frustrating situation in one way or another that we may be able to find peace and understanding despite our frustrations; and for our loved ones who never cease to understand and assist us.

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