Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to Process NBI Application in Dipolog City

        I have never experienced having trouble with my NBI application before. The application and the clearance only took about 30 minutes when I had my NBI clearance processed sometime in 2010. Sadly, it's different this time around. You see, they already have this online application system, but wait, all the processes aren't done online as contrary to what most people speculated. You have to go to http://www.nbi.gov.ph/, click clearance online registration, and then fill up the online application form. You will then have to print out the duly filled form and take it to the NBI office. Upon arrival at the NBI, you proceed to the collections window and pay the corresponding amount of your application there. On the one hand, the fee is 115 php for local employment and travel abroad clearances. 165 php for an NBI clearance needed for business, firearms, adoption, POEA, and other agency related purposes and 415  php for neutralization and cancellation ACR, and repatriation. If your records has no hit, you'll immediately get the clearance, but you might need to come back in a few days if you have hit.
            Needless to say, the process sounds easy and breezy. Unfortunately, in times when national hiring is done like these days when hiring for NUP's and Dep-Ed personnel are the trend, you will have to go to the said agency at least an hour prior to its time of operation to make sure that you'll get the clearance on the same day.

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