Monday, February 3, 2014

 Blood Donation at Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital in Dapitan City

       I had a very busy weekend. My cousin asked me to find credible blood donors for her upcoming uterine operation on Monday. It was a Saturday, and temporarily halted all my writing assignments, so I can start looking for b+ blood donors. I was thankful when my ex-colleague in Kia told me that she has two boys of the same blood type who might be able to donate. Unfortunately, they weren't available until Sunday. Anxious that I might run out of time, I contacted other people, mostly my neighbors, and I got one. Unfortunately, he did not pass since he had high blood pressure. Luckily, one of my cousins is a b+ and another neighbor of mine also has the same blood type. Although my cousin needed to undergo blood pressure testing thrice, it was successful on his third attempt, which completed the needed 2 bags of blood.

Here are the main requirements when donating blood:
1. Donors should have normal blood pressure and weight. A blood pressure of 120/90 is a good one while the weight should never be lower than 55 kilograms. 
2. Donors should have never experienced tattooing any part of their body as well as body piercings.
3. Donors should have not been drinking, have not experienced getting drunk for the past few days, and should not have been taking any form of medication for maintenance.
4. Donors should have not eaten for the past three hours prior to blood collection.
5. Donors should have not experienced contagious diseases like hepatitis, measles, and chicken pox.
6. Donors should have not undergone major surgeries.
7. Donors should have not undergone tooth extraction for the past few months. 
8. Donors should have a valid ID card and ID photos as this is dubbed as PROTOCOL at the said hospital.

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