Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to Avoid Getting Sick During Rainy Days

          Philippines has a tropical climate, that is, we experience two seasons, hot and rainy days. Hot days are always welcome because it's always the best time to hit the beach, travel to different places, and sleep more. After all, hot days make us naturally lazy, right? Anyways, we always have a good reason to go out of the house during summer. Unfortunately, it's quite the opposite during rainy days when your most beloved Jimmy Choose would just collect mud or your floral pants would be tainted with dirt spots at the back of the legs. But these aren't actually the very reason why it's not good to stay outdoors most of the time during rainy days. Getting sick is one of the main reasons that humans, especially kids, aren't advised to stay outdoors. However, we cannot get rid of rainy days altogether in our country as it's part of our climate, so we'll just have to deal with it. But, we can certainly get up and do these tips to avoid getting sick on rainy days.

1. Take Vitamin C supplements and vitamins daily prior to rainy days - As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. This should also be applied to your kids when they're most vulnerable to the viruses and bacteria in the air brought about by gust of wind during the rainy season.

  2. Keep covered especially when it's cold - Yes, this is common sense. Unfortunately, some parents still prefer their kids wearing sexy tutu skirts or sleeveless tops when going to school during windy days. Viruses and germs tend to multiply when the environment is humid and cool, and when your kids aren't covered enough, they'll easily catch these pesky microorganisms and get sick eventually.

3. Exercise - When I say exercise, I meant daily exercise. Don't exercise now just because it's rainy day, but exercise daily. Research shows that exercising replenishes dead skin cells, improves oxygen flow in the blood and cells, and boosts immune system. 

4. Get lots of hugs - Studies reveal that people with most circle of friends, who often has a good portion of his time chatting and hugging them tend to be less vulnerable to sickness. Hugging people tends to boost one's immune system. Start hugging your loved ones and don't wait for the rainy season to hug them.

5. Load on enough food supplies - As advised, avoid going outdoors during rainy days, so stock up on food a week prior to heavy rains. This way, you won't have to run to stores just to find food to eat. 

6. Warm/Hot Soup, Tea - Runny nose? Sneezing for sometime? Feeling down with something? Having a bowl or two of warm/hot soup and a couple of cups of tea are the best remedies to avoid these symptoms develop into cough and colds. Arm yourself with these natural remedies before it's too late.

7. Wash hands properly - Our hands are the busiest part of the body, and these are the ones that get contact with everything that we hold at from remote control to door knobs, from computer keyboard to mobile phones, and from toilet flushes to sinks. It has tons of bacteria that you can ever imagine, which are transferred to our bodies when we touch our faces or cover our mouth. Kids should also develop a habit of washing hands well before eating.

8. Mind over matter - The mind or the will to get healed and think only of positive things have the power to keep us healthy. If you feel tired and feverish, don't let these feelings drain you. Get up, sweat it out, and do something to keep you busy. Be productive. Soon, you'll forget you even felt feverish awhile ago.  

9. Flush germs and bacteria with water - Drinking lots of water isn't only a good tip during summer; it is also advisable to drink lots of water on rainy days. A lot of people swear by lemon water. Prepare 2 lemons and slice them into three, creating 6 regular-sized lemon slices. Place them into a regular-sized pitcher that's almost filled with warm water. Drink at least two glasses from the mixture everyday, at least an hour prior to eating your breakfast. Lemon has tons of benefits compared to lemon juice.

10. Don't blow your nose on tissues - The fiber in the tissues can get stuck in your nostrils, causing your more inconvenience and more sneezing moments. Instead, get a clean cloth that's not fibrous and use it to blow your nose. 

11. Non-Drowse paracetamol - If you're down with fever and you have deadlines to meet and projects to accomplish, keep your healthy by taking non-drowse paracetamol. It'll relieve you from headaches and feverish feelings without making your drowsy. 

         Rainy days are here. It's been a month that our skies have been gloomy and the weather's been rainy. Tropical depression has swarmed the country, specifically in Mindanao and Visayas areas for almost one month now. Don't let this month get you sick and stop from doing what you need to do. Do these tips today and avoid getting sick this month and the months to come.

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