Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to Get Rich in 2014


 Who doesn't want to get rich in 2014? I don't know about you, but I want to be richer this year. I like the sound of getting richer by the year as getting richer by the day is so cliche. Before you continue, let me say beforehand that I'm not giving away any get rich quick schemes. What I'm about to give are tried and tested tips on how to become richer slowly, but surely, like me. I don't have cars, mansions, and a lot of experiences traveling abroad, but I must say that I am well-off with my kids. Not to brag or anything, I can be jobless for months and won't go hungry even if I have to feed 2 more mouths. Here's how I do it:

1. Never settle for one job unless you're earning as much as your boss.
     I used to work in a private company for 5 years until I finally decided to resign last 2012 after my youngest son was born. I was earning meager salary, only 8,000 php. My net income per month goes down to a thousand after I subtract my expenses from the said amount. My expenses include lunch, fare, groceries, and lunch date with my eldest on Sundays. In a month, I could only save about 1,000. If I have to put every thousand bucks in my savings account per month, I would only have 12,000 per year savings, and I am NEVER going to be satisfied with such amount while my boss is earning hundreds of thousands and probably millions per month. On the one hand, I worked as a part time writer two years prior to my resignation, and that was when my monthly savings went up to as much as 4,000/ month. If I had settled with one job only, I would have only very low savings per year. Without further ado, I decided to become a writer full time. If you now have a job and finds yourself vacant and bored after your job, make your boring hours productive by having another one. There are tons of freelance jobs online. If you need one, I can help you with that. Just leave a comment below.

2. Keep in mind the get rich formula ( Monthly Income - Savings - Fixed Expenses = Leisure Cost )
      In this time of economic instability, it is never advisable to put savings at the end part of the equation. Place your leisure cost, like clubbing, traveling, dining out, etc, at the end part. After all, you can LIVE without all these extra baggage. I strongly believe that how much you have saved during your younger years is tantamount to your security and satisfaction in later years. Don't regret in your 50's for not saving today. Save NOW.

3.  Shop wisely.
      Yes, I also shop and even splurge on clothes and food. However, I only do these during special occasions like December holidays when heavily discounted apparel and household items are flooding. I also do 'ukay' or shop on salvage items. I make sure to put them in basins with boiling water first then laundry them well, and iron them before I finally wear them. 

4. Invest.
     Every millionaire always invests, and every investor are always a risk taker. Savings at the bank is a good step, but investing on bigger ones can help you reap bigger profits, too. Try your hands on stocks. Set up your own business online or offline. There are a lot of ways to invest, but always be sure to jump into an option with lesser risk, especially if you're not yet very acquainted about the business. On the one hand, if you are a family person, always remember that your children are your greatest investment. Never provide them with half baked love and care. As for me, I have two jobs, a layer business, and an online business. 

  5. Get up and work.
      Every millionaire who work their way up is hardworking. They never procrastinate and their minds are always working on how to earn more even while they're asleep. I should know as my first boss was one of the most respectable millionaires in my hometown, and I am proud of the things they taught me. 

        At this point, you may be asking yourself, 'what the heck does this blogger have anyways'? At the age of 23, I was able to buy an air conditioner, installed cabinets at home, and bought a PC without withdrawing from my bank account. At the age of 25, I have bought 2 tablets and 2 mobile phones as well as traveled to Cebu and Bohol with family. At the age of 30, we'll see.... 

       So, do you want to be richer this year? Get up and work! If you need assistance for online jobs, just leave it in the comment section. See you at the top this 2014!

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