Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Most Important New Year's Resolutions

         Hello 2014! I hope you guys welcomed 2014 with a bang! It's a new year once again, and I bet you've started contemplating on the best resolutions for this year. I bet you already have a 5, 10, or even 50 things in your bucket list. But have you ever thought that while you're writing down all the things and activities that you want to achieve in 2014, there are actually millions of people out there who don't even have hands to write? Some don't even have pens and paper to write on? Here's a list of what should our resolution cover.

1. Don't waste food - Instead of saying 'go on a diet' or 'get slimmer', this is a good alternative. Eat only what you can, and never binge just to throw up later. Before you do it, think of all the people who never even have food to eat in the first place. Never do crash dieting as well just so you lose weight. Eat healthily instead and think of the food that you're being blessed with.

2. Travel locally - A lot of people wish to go to Hongkong, Singapore, Thailand, US, Paris, and other gorgeous foreign places. They often forget that our beloved Philippines also have tons of gorgeous places to go to. Traverse on your own native land first before spilling money on foreign territories. Some of the best places to visit in our country includes Cebu, Manila, Bohol, Davao, Baguio, Tagaytay, Dumaguete, Bacolod, and many more! Spend to at least 5 different locations of our very own places this year and you'll be amazed of what this country has to offer. 

3. Visit long distance relatives or the lonely or the forgotten - Most of us longs to go to Disneyland, Petronal Towers, Boracay, and other places that scream of distance, fame, and relaxation, forgetting that we have our loved ones worth visiting, too. How many times have you visited your grandparents who live in a different town? How many times have you went home to your parents' house instead of spending your family's Christmases to other Asian countries? How many times have you actually visited an orphanage? a jail? a home for the aged? It's high time we set aside pride and self-gratification this year, and spend couple of hours to these people. 

4. Invest right - Surely, we can increase our money if we save them in the bank, but the increment is quite low. Investing on the right business opportunities and items is a surefire way to double your money this year. You can opt for stocks, bonds, or even put up your own business. These let money work for you instead of you always working for money. Tip: always have good research before investing. Remember that there are risks when investing, too. Invest on an option with the lowest risk margin.

5. Spend more time with your family - Welcoming the new year, aiming for a promotion, and expanding friendships don't mean that you always have to stay out everyday. Yes, socialization is a key to a good life, but family bonding is the key to a satisfying life. Cuddle your kids often even if they're already heavy. Kiss and hug your spouse more even if she smells like garlic. That's okay because that means she's cooking it for you and your family. Encourage and hug your husband more even if his hands are all dirty from the work at the mechanic. Don't worry, he's preparing for your children's tuition fee. 

6. Clean your house more - Exercise more. This is the kind of resolution that most people would include in their list, knowing that it's a healthy thing to do. Unfortunately, we seem to forget our abode. Some would pay helpers to help clean the house or would clean it at least once a month. Cleaning the house daily actually means sweat it out. Scrubbing and mopping the floors, wiping the windows, doing the laundry, and even making the bed or changing the sheets all equal to exercise. They're productive exercise, too. Blast your stereo and start cleaning your house with your fave music, and you'll actually feel like doing Tae Bo already. 

        Tell me; aren't these the best resolutions in life? May we all have a prosperous 2014. 

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