Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to Check Blog Visitors in Real Time

        Okay, so you have already installed and published your blog. You even have published at least 20 posts to keep possible readers busy in a minute or more. But, how will you know that you really have unique visitors, and that the statistics you're seeing in your page views aren't actually your own clicks? 
        Yes, blogger lets you view the number of page views or visitors to your blog everyday, but they're not actually UNIQUE statistics because your own page views are counted. In this part comes the immense essence of having Statcounter on your blogspot account. How? Here's the ways:

1. Create an account with Statcounter. It's pretty easy and fast at zero costs. Input all the needed information, and don't forget your username and password.

2. Under the Projects tab, click Add project. For the project URL, input your blog address. The project title automatically rewrites what's in the project URL tab. Input the rest of the needed details, which are all self-explanatory then click Add Project. You are then lead to a page where you would see the snippet of the HTML code. Copy the snippet.

3. In your blogger account, go to Layout, then click an Add Widget icon where you would like the counter to be placed. Choose Add HTML/Code, click the + sign at the right corner of the widget, then paste the snippet in the box. 

4. Once you've clicked okay/done/go, you can now see the real time counter at the spot where the Add Widget bar was located previously. 

5. However, statcounter at this point will include your own pageviews, and you don't want that. Go back to your statcounter account again. Click the Projects tab and then click the Blocking Cookie tab. Click Apply to Project, and you're done. 

    At this point, you should be able to see real time page views made by unique visitors everyday. Happy writing!

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