Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What's Hot and What's Not in a Desert Wedding

            A lot of couples always include beaches, gardens, and hotels as their top choices of wedding venues. Seldom you will know of a couple who makes a desert venue a priority in their choices probably because of two reasons: deserts are hard to find if you live in a cold country and the name only implies heat and barren land. These are actually misconceptions that some couples should disregard because deserts are as gorgeous as beaches and they're as regal as a hotel's reception hall. Nevertheless, I have enlisted some of the pros and cons of a desert wedding.


The setting is unique - Because the desert isn't a common place to wed, you'll have wedding photos that's unique and beautiful at the same time. You can have an African theme wedding, a Sahara theme wedding, or a Safari theme wedding, and you'll be amazed that you won't see any barren, dry land, but vast lands that's filled with grass, animals, and artistic scenery that only the desert can offer.

photo is from

You can wear sexy wedding dresses - There aren't any dress rules in a desert wedding. You can go for strapless wedding dresses or backless wedding dresses and no one will criticize you for that. 

It is best for intimate weddings - Since most desert areas are far from the city, you may be able to escape from party crashers. Aside from that, you'll have another reason not to invite your colleagues at work, and they'll forgive you for that. After all, it's your big day, and no one's stopping you.

Bonneville Salt Flats by

Free venues - Just choose a scenic spot, have your decorator make an arc and garnish it with flowers, and you're good to go. Some of the best wedding photos taken in deserts show that you don't need a lot of fabric, flowers, and the likes to beautify the place. Beautiful sunset, giraffes or elephants on the background, and big rocks on the sides are enough to naturally beautify the area.

photo is from


Say goodbye to formal wedding gowns - I am afraid you're going to have to ditch that wedding dress with cathedral train as grasses and small stones can cling to the train and make it look dirty even before the ceremony ends. 

Agafey Desert in Morocco

The scorching heat may make your guests uncomfortable - This is one of the reasons that you should never wed at noontime. Opt for an early morning wedding or a late afternoon nuptial. 

Traveling costs - Who will shoulder the travel expenses? If your guests are willing to travel from the city to the venue using their own money, it's a great deal, but if they're not financially sound, then you might have to shoulder their traveling expenses. Do you have an extra budget for this?

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